Monday, April 27, 2015

I am late on last weeks post because I have recently started getting my life back however, I am going to do 2 posts this week. I have decided i will bve going into a deeper explanation of autism. I have 2 God sisters, they are twins, however one of them is a lower spectrum autism (phoebe). She is very intelligent (especially with phones and technology). Her parents and the family wouldlike if she woiuld interact with people more however i feel like she reacts with people in herv own way. She is very independent and is always on some sort of technology. When i baby sit her she is the easiest child to baby sit because she is so calm we just watch movies, and play on her ipad. Her sister (Emma) is actually the one you have to keep a closer eye on because she is so rambuctious. Phoebe is just more reserved and "in her owm world". It is known that autistic kids have a harder time interacting with others because to communicate with other people you have to be able to respond or iniate interactions. They tend to only do this when they want something, and tend to be not very sociable. What people tend to forget is that there are other ways to communicate without words. They can communicate by crying, taking the adults hand to the object they desire, looking at the object they desire, reaching, using pictures and echolalia. if people wIt may be hard to understand but not impossible. Love, a hopefully understanding, Ally Gee P.S. Sometimes the kids will talk to people that they like. Phoebe talks to me more than she talks to her mom and Dad. I have a video but i donmgt know how to put it on here, so it will be in my presentation.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

My English teacher wanted us to make blogs so we could all keep up with each other on this Genius Hour project. So as my status report I would like to tell that I, Ally Gee, have gotten nothing done and would also love to report that I haven't even chosen a topic or have an idea of what I'm going to do. Hopefully in the blog post, next week ( as there will be more of my candor posts) I will have my topic chosen and have a better idea of what I hopefully going to become genius on, as that is the point of this project.
Genius Hour is a very precise project where you choose one topic and become a genius on it. Honestly the one thing I wish was a genius on was friendship, because obviously I wasn't. Honestly I think I'm going to do my project on how humans interact with each other and why we love, hate, betray, gossip and most importantly (to me) lie to each other.

Genius Hour hopefully be a calm way to end the English year and hopefully I can just focus on it, but pass all my STAAR tests at the same time. Genius hour is a cultivating way of learning and very appealing to most people because teachers are constantly telling us what we are going to learn, when we are going to learn it, how we are going to learn it and then we usually get a test over it. Genius Hour gives you time and a chance to do your own thing for once and many people like that. As I am writing this I am trying to choose a topic. still got nothing.


                                                                an Indecisive Ally Gee

P.S. This week try to stay candor and be honest with everyone. Better to make people cry being honest than to lie making them smile.